Understand the risks to your data through social engineering attacks and the various methods used by attackers.
To err is human. Strong cybersecurity is typically equated with implementing technology safeguards. Nevertheless, despite increasing spending on technology, hackers often employ low-tech social engineering attacks to exploit the weakest link in the security chain - human beings. These human errors continue to cause major data breaches and other security incidents.
This course will provide a background of how systems containing sensitive electronic data can be at risk through social engineering attacks and how human error can place an organization at risk.

Alaap B. Shah, J.D., MPH
Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
- Assisted numerous clients with investigation, response, and reporting of data breaches and ransomware attacks
- Featured in AHLA Connections Magazine Member Spotlight for June 2022 - https://www.ebglaw.com/insights/alaap-shah-featured-in-ahla-connections-magazine-member-spotlight/
- Presented on Data Governance and Artificial Intelligence to the OCR/NIST HIPAA Summit in 2019 - https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2019/10/15/1-6-dg-and-ai-in-healthcare-shah.pdf
- Published on Recognized Security Practices in the Context of Data Breach Enforcement, National Law Review
- Served on Planning Committee for AHLA’s Health Care Data Program in 2022, American Health Law Association
- Published on Data Breaches and HIPAA Enforcement Trends, JDSupra

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