Learn to negotiate key terms in shipper, carrier and broker agreements to help your company's bottom line.
Many practitioners believe that a transportation agreement possesses the content and qualities expected of a general business contract. While shipping agreements are in fact contracts in form and function, the content and terminology of documents, which serve to properly memorialize a waterborne-transportation event contain terms particular to their subject matter, trade, and even designated cargo. Those who fail to distinguish the essential makings and expectations of parties to a shipping fixture often face grave difficulty in negotiating agreements with more learned and experienced counterparties. This presentation will help the actors responsible for establishing, negotiating, and fixing shipping contracts do so in a more efficient, professional, and informed manner. The live webinar also explains the method required for analyzing the form of contract to be used, sources of input for customary and additional clauses, and what ancillary or related documents should form part of the contract. Mistakes made in negotiating and fixing content for shipping contracts, especially those of an extended term for a fixed rate, are often very costly and difficult to resolve. This workshop is critical for transportation counsel practicing in the shipping arena, operations personnel who oversee the implementation of commercial terms in transportation agreements, and in-house counsel and procurement personnel involved in monitoring contract suites, performance, and all transportation and logistics personnel charges with knowing the modern and ever-changing regulatory landscape over newly-offered clauses and trade-organization governance and compliance.

Stephen Hanemann
Kean Miller LLP
- Partner in Kean Miller LLP’s New Orleans office
- The practice focuses on international trade, transportation-oriented transactions, marine asset and trade-route finance, asset and product purchases and sales, and shipping compliance
- Has prepared and presented numerous lectures on international trade and shipping subject matter and has authored numerous publications related to his practice.
- Member of New Orleans, Louisiana State, Jefferson, and American Bar Associations; Mariner’s Club of the Port of Greater New Orleans; Offshore Marine Service Association; World Trade Center New Orleans; Louisiana Energy Export Association; Mississippi Valley Trade and Transport Council; International Association of Maritime & Port Executives; GNO, Inc.; New Orleans Museum of Art; Friends of City Park; Audubon Zoological Society
- Holds an International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) certificate and an INCOTERMS 2020 certificate
- Certified mediator having completed a comprehensive course with The Mediation Institute
- J.D. degree, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law; B.A. degree in French, University of Texas at Austin
- Can be contacted at 504-451-4579 or 504-620-3342

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