Sort through the chaos of work and family balance to create a strategy that builds supportive environments that fit your organizational goals.
We live and work in challenging times often referred to as a VUCA world - volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. With the only certainty being change and technology advancements, organizations are competing to attract and retain top talent; all the while asking more and more from their employees. This has created a conflicting dynamic between wanting to provide more flexibility and autonomy; with having increased responsibility and work expectations. This demand for work and family balance is challenging organizations to rethink and reassess how they create supportive and sustainable work environments.
This topic will help persons responsible for work and family balance sort through the chaos and create a strategy that builds supportive environments that fit their organizational goals. Learn how to address the human complexities within your organization related to work and family balance and develop management accordingly. This information will also help you understand how to bring back the human factor to the work environment; and in turn, motivate and engage employees to bring their best every day.

Stephanie Downs, MS, CIC®
Iowa State University
- Has served as the ISU Well Being Coordinator at Iowa State University since April 2014
- Responsible for creating and leading the employee well-being and engagement strategies for over 6,700 benefit-eligible employees
- Co-chairs the University Well-Being Leadership Alliance (UWLA) that supports the university’s strategic goal to enhance the safety, security, health and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors
- Has worked in the worksite wellness/health promotion field for over 25 years, including employment with the City of Ames, Pioneer HiBred Int’l, and the West Des Moines Community Schools
- Volunteers on the Healthiest Ames Advisory Board and is a member of the Iowa Healthiest State Conference planning team
- Certified Intrinsic Coach®, a Certified Real Colors® facilitator, an Immunity to Change© Facilitator, and trained as a ToP Facilitator
- Her passion is working with and developing people, work sites, and communities; she is a frequent presenter on well-being, energy management, resiliency, mindfulness, work-life, team building, change management, and leadership for sustainable cultures
- In 2016, she was recognized as one of WELCOA’s Top 50 Health Promotion Professionals
- B.S. degree, ISU; master’s degree in health promotion, Nebraska Methodist College
- Can be contacted at 515-294-8902 or [email protected]

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