Learn key strategies that can help safeguard your personal life from the constant use of technology.
Workers today are 'never turned off.' Like our mobile phones, we only go on standby at the end of the day as we crawl into bed, exhausted. Gradual, incremental increases in responsibilities, duties, pressures and demands at home and work combined with long workdays and weeks have placed our profession at risk. At some point, work may dominate our lives and keep us at a chronically high level of distress, yet we are often unaware that we have lost balance in our lives. Since it doesn't appear that the 'always-on' culture will be switching off any time soon, we need to develop key strategies that can help safeguard our personal life. Recent studies have shown that there has been a dramatic increase in impairment due to alcoholism, addiction, and mental health disorders among members of the legal profession. The statistics are compelling and indicate that 1 out of 3 attorneys will likely need substance use or mental health services at some point in their careers. And technology? What role does it play in perpetuating this public health crisis? Attorney Brian S. Quinn is the Education and Outreach Coordinator for Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania. He will discuss the already high prevalence rates of alcohol and substance misuse among lawyers and how mental health issues have taken the forefront, with special emphasis on stress, anxiety, and trauma, including the mental health impact of technology in the post-COVID-19 world. This course will explain the free services that Lawyers Assistance Programs provide to lawyers, judges, their family members, and law students and a close look at what barriers exist that prevent lawyers and judges from seeking the help they need. It is critical that attorneys understand the role that education plays in breaking the stigma and fear associated with addiction and mental illness in the legal profession. This program will assist attorneys in taking a much closer look at the ethical challenges created by the imposed isolation of the pandemic, including the role technology plays, and its possible long-lasting effect on the legal profession.

Brian S. Quinn
Law Offices of Brian S. Quinn, P.C.
- Education and Outreach Coordinator for Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania, Inc., a Lawyer Assistance Program established to help lawyers, judges, and law students recover from alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental health disorders
- Private practitioner for over 40 years, having litigated both civil and criminal matters during his career
- Worked in the field of alcohol and drug counseling in suburban Philadelphia, allowing him to gain both practical and clinical experience with individuals suffering from alcohol, substance use, and mental health disorders
- Has written articles and made presentations on many lawyer wellness topics to law firms, Bar Associations, professional organizations, and legal education providers on a state, national, and international level
- Member of the Pennsylvania and American Bar Associations
- Licensed attorney in Pennsylvania
- J.D. degree and a certificate in drug and alcohol counseling, Villanova University

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