Understand the applicable rules for construction and best practices to protect workers and avoid costly penalties.
Many workplaces contain areas that are considered confined spaces by OSHA or MSHA, but may not be aware of what standards are required to maintain workplace safety and health when performing construction or other activities that meet the criteria. Confined spaces are not necessarily designed for people but are large enough for workers to enter and perform certain jobs. Examples include tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, pits, manholes, tunnels, equipment housings, ductwork, pipelines, etc. OSHA also has permit-required confined space applicable to confined spaces with additional dangerous characteristics. When fatalities occur in confined spaces, often multiple victims are affected either by health hazards such as oxygen depletion or chemicals or by engulfment or other physical hazards. This session will explain the applicable rules and formal policies for construction at both OSHA and MSHA-regulated worksites, and best practices to protect workers and avoid costly penalties.

Adele L. Abrams, Esq., ASP, CMSP
Law Office of Adele L. Abrams P.C.
- President, Law Office of Adele L. Abrams, P.C.
- Practice representing employers in OSHA, MSHA and other regulatory and employment law matters.
- Instructs on employment law at U. Of Colorado and Catholic University of America; regular speaker at conferences of NSC, ASSP, and various trade and bar associations.
- Co-author of textbooks: The Safety Professional’s Handbook and Construction Safety Management & Engineering (both published by ASSP)
- Member of NSC, ASSP, American Bar Association
- Avetta Fellow
- National Safety Council’s DSSA Award Winner 2017
- Admitted to practice before multiple state bars, federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court
- JD, George Washington University; BS, University of Maryland, College Park.
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 301-613-7498

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