Learn about the safety principles behind the roundabouts and the specific design practices employed to address both simple and complex issues.
Congestion and safety problems occur at intersections, with nearly 70% of all vehicular crashes and approximately 50% of pedestrian crashes in urban areas occurring at or near intersections or driveways. Our current paradigm of intersection and roadway improvements with signalization is often detrimental to businesses near the intersection and overall liveability objectives. This course will discuss how roundabouts can resolve these competing needs and the benefits of roundabouts in the overall roadway/traffic planning process. This course will also discuss the importance of roadway and roundabout design safety principles to ensure well-received and successful projects.

Mark T. Johnson, PE
MTJ Engineering
- Principal engineer, MTJ Roundabout Engineering
- 25 years of traffic and transportation engineering experience
- Focused on applying modern roundabouts to achieve traffic and transportation solutions within the overall context of the roadway system
- Work has included both public (city and state) and consultancy experience focused on traffic and transportation engineering and planning with roundabouts
- Co-author of the FHWA 2010 Roundabout Guide (NCHRP 672), a key contributor to the WIDOT Roundabout Program, and is an FHWA peer-to-peer qualified roundabout reviewer
- Extensive experience providing training and instruction in roundabout design and implementation, experienced public speaker, an active member of the TRB and ITE Roundabout Committees, and contributes to ongoing roundabout research
- Works as technical area expert on project teams across North America, providing analysis, planning, design and peer review, safety audits of problematic roundabouts, training, public outreach/education, and visualization services (www.mtjengineering.com)
- TRB Standing Committee on Roundabouts & Other Intersections, ITE Roundabout Committee
- Continuing education technical coursework, Colorado State University; Systematic Development of Informed Consent (IPMP certification)
- B.S. degree in civil engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 608-238-5000

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