Gain a better understanding of the proper regulations needed to follow when managing inventory to best avoid consequences.
In a perfect world, a lean supply chain would have no idle inventory, material would flow continuously at the rate of customer demand. Unfortunately, even in the leanest supply chains, inbound lead times often exceed today's aggressive consumer delivery expectations. How can companies maintain the appropriate inventory levels to remain competitive? In this material, you will learn why idle inventory is considered waste and see the negative effects of having too much on hand. You will learn the importance of SKU classification (traditional ABC vs. lean thinking). We will compare the differences between cycle, buffer, & safety stock, and explain when you need each. You will not only learn new calculations for right-sizing your inventory, you will gain a deeper understanding of the inputs or levers that can be used to raise or lower inventory levels at lineside or in the warehouse.

Tom Kinder
LeanCor Supply Chain Group
- Lean deployment executive at LeanCor Supply Chain Group
- Over 10 years of operational and project experience in lean, Six Sigma, inventory planning and material flow, ABC SKU classification, inventory right-sizing, plan-for-every-part (PFEP) methodology, supply chain management, distribution and fulfillment center assessment & design, storage & conveyance strategies, and pull replenishment implementation
- Began career as an industrial engineer writing standard work in a sequencing center and progressed to managing a multimillion dollar fulfillment center for a Tier 1 automotive supplier
- In his current role at LeanCor, he leverages his breadth of operational experience in consulting various clients on advancing their end-to-end supply chains
- Worked with clients across a wide array of industries, including: biotech & pharmaceuticals, health care, consumer goods, metal & mineral manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, and automotive
- B.A. degree in business management, Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs as well as a Business Certificate from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business; earned a Lean Supply Chain Professional Certificate from the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute

Brent Cable
LeanCor Supply Chain Group
- Senior supply chain engineer at LeanCor Supply Chain Group
- Experience includes over 15 years in lean, Six Sigma, inventory planning and material flow, ABC SKU classification, inventory right-sizing, plan-for-every-part (PFEP) methodology, kaizen event facilitation, supply chain management, warehouse/DC center assessment, design and relocation, storage and conveyance strategies, and pull replenishment implementation
- Managed various project moves or expansions throughout his career as an operations leader
- Worked with clients across a wide array of industries, including: e-commerce, health care, consumer goods, heavy equipment manufacturing, brewing, and automotive
- In his current role, he manages end-to-end supply chain consulting projects for LeanCor’s portfolio of global clients

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