Gain the tools needed for evaluating existing office park's assets and liabilities and identify potential changes.
The office environment has changed radically in the last 30 years. The suburban office park of the past is being replaced by new development in downtown or inner ring suburbs or in new towns such as Reston Town Center. All of these areas share a number of attributes in common: access to transit, walkable streetscapes, a mix of uses and an amenity rich environment. Across the United States the suburban office park is struggling mightily to maintain relevance. This topic will provide tools for evaluating an existing office park's assets and liabilities and identifying opportunities for making fiscally responsible changes. This material will also provide examples of how older office parks can be repositioned to continue to compete successfully in the marketplace. This information is essential for those faced with an outdated and underperforming asset.

Robert Atkinson
David Carter Scott Ltd
- Vice President/Associate Principal of Davis Carter Scott Ltd
- The firm’s principal practice areas are masterplanning, base building architecture, interior architecture and sustainable design and consulting. An increasing amount of the practice is reposition-ing or repurposing office buildings and densification projects for office parks and stand alone office buildings
- Has participated in a number of ULI Technical Assistance Panels including two specifically addressing how to revitalize or reimagine three existing office parks with very high vacancies
- Publications include articles on Repurposing or Repositioning Older Office Buildings, Office Building Amenitazation Trends and Trends in Multi-family design
- Bachelor of University Studies from the University of New Mexico with concentrations in architecture, planning and architectural history
- Memberships: ULI Full Member, Member of the Transit Oriented Development Product Council; ULI Washington District Council Advisory Board, Management Committee, Placemaking Initiative Co-Chair; NAIOP Northern Virginia, NAIOP DC/MD and Braddock Road Implementation Advisory Group
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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