Understand the impact residency restrictions for sex offenders have on deterring crime and protecting communities.
This topic is intended to give you an overview of the widespread use of restrictions on where sex offenders may live around the country. We will look at what works and what doesn't work in efforts to manage residential placement for sex offenders in the community. You will learn about the rationale for these restrictions, what the research tells us about the effectiveness of these restrictions in deterring crime and protecting communities, the collateral consequences of these restrictions and the impact those have on community safety, and how communities are affected by sex offender housing.

Brad A. Meryhew
The Meryhew Law Group, PLLC
- In private practice exclusively representing those accused of sexual misconduct in state and federal courts since 2003
- Member of the Washington Sex Offender Policy Board since 2008, where he represents the Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Washington Defender Association in making policy recommendations to the Washington Legislature and Governor
- Works closely with stakeholders, including representatives of state agencies, victim advocacy groups, prosecutors, judges, and city and county associations
- Involved in lobbying for legislative change, testifying regularly before the Legislature
- Championed significant reforms to the sex offender registration laws in Washington that were recommended by the Sex Offender Policy Board and adopted into law by the Washington Legislature in 2010, 2011, and 2016
- In 2014, he participated in the Sex Offender Policy Board looking specifically at residency restrictions and make recommendations to the Washington Legislature in regards to those laws
- Published “Preparing a Client for a Psychosexual Evaluation” in Champion magazine, the national magazine of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Published two book chapters on Psychosexual Evaluations and Representing Juveniles Charged with Sex Offenses in Thomson Reuters Aspatore Press publications
- Regularly presents professional educational talks on topics related to the sex offender management system to private lawyers, public defenders, psychologists, state agency employees, non-profit advocacy agencies and community groups
- Spoken at two national conferences of the National Associate of Criminal Defense Lawyers on the tonic of “Representing Juveniles Charged with Sex Offenses,” in Las Vegas and Ft. Lauderdale
- J.D. degree, cum laude, University of Puget Sound School of Law

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