Understand your responsibilities for FCPA compliance and obtain insight into identifying red flags.
This topic helps the persons responsible for FCPA compliance obtain a better understanding of FCPA, including compliance requirements and enforcement trends. We will discuss recent enforcement actions and settlements in key industries and geographies, as well as the hallmarks of an effective FCPA compliance program. Last, the content will provide insight into identifying corruption/ bribery red flags across a business' global operations and focus on internal control red flags which the regulators have cited in recent enforcement actions.

Koutayba Yamak
- Director in PwC’s cyber, privacy and forensics practice in Washington, D.C.
- Over 12 years of experience conducting anti-corruption, forensic accounting and financial fraud investigations, disputes consulting services, and litigation support services
- Led numerous teams investigating allegations of anti-corruption violations in the Middle East and Europe
- Assisted with internal investigations for Fortune 150 companies facing SEC probes into their anti-corruption and accounting practices
- Evaluated the corporate policies and procedures, tested internal controls, including areas specifically related to proper segregation of duties and access control, and assisted in training employees on updated policies and procedures and the importance of governance and ethics in the workplace as part of these anti-corruption engagements
- Regularly speaks on topics relating to forensic accounting, conducting investigations, and anti-corruption compliance
- Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Fraud Examiner and holds membership of AICPA and ACFE
- M.A. degree in business administration, University of Maryland; B.S. degree in business administration, Lebanese American University, Lebanon
- Can be contacted at 240-893-3160 or [email protected]

Abigail Bortnick
King & Spalding LLP
- Counsel with the special matters and investigations practice in King & Spalding LLP’s Washington, D.C. office
- Practice includes white collar criminal defense, government and corporate internal investigations, risk assessments and compliance counseling; regularly handles matters focused on anti-corruption, fraud, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Global clients have included public and private companies in a variety of industries such as energy and oil field services, financial services, retail, and medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing; investigations have occurred in Africa, Malaysia, and the U.S.
- Represented oil field services company in a years-long FCPA investigation resulting in a DOJ declination and SEC settlement for books and records violations
- Panelist at CBI’s April 2019 Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress for the session titled, Beyond Due Diligence – Auditing and Monitoring Third-Parties
- Featured speaker at March 2017 Knowledge Group webinar titled, “FCPA Guidance: Effective Benchmarks for Your Anti-Corruption Compliance Program”
- J.D. degree, cum laude, University of Maryland
- Can be contacted at 202-626-2398, [email protected], or www.kslaw.com

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