Learn how to use special approaches to recruit for high turnover positions and why these situations can be especially tricky in a low unemployment economy.
In a full employment economy, employers face special challenges in attracting talent of any kind to their organizations. But that problem is exacerbated when the positions are associated with high turnover--such as jobs that are associated with stress or tough work. Employers with such positions may need to use special recruiting approaches to attract people for what might otherwise be called high turnover positions. This material helps the persons responsible for recruiting to make the business case for using special approaches to recruit for high turnover positions and to use special approaches for such recruitment. This content also reviews common ways to analyze reasons for high turnover and how to spot applicants who might be prone to leave

William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR, SHRM-SCP, RODC, CPTD Fellow
Rothwell & Associates, Inc.
William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CPLP Fellow
- President of Rothwell & Associates, Inc. (see www.rothwellandassociates.com), Professor, Penn State University, University Park, and owner of 6 small businesses
- His practice emphasizes all aspects of talent management and succession planning
- Conducts regular seminars on talent management, succession planning, and Organization Development
- Author of 170 books. His most recent book is about turnover reduction—Motivated to stay (2025).
- Member of Association for Talent Development and the Society for Human Resource Management
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 814-234-6888

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