Understand the power of eminent domain and the rights held by property owners.
Eminent Domain and related issues have long been a source of tension between government and private property owners. Recently, there has been a renewed focus on eminent domain and regulatory takings, with the United States Supreme Court issuing several momentous decisions in the past five years. This presentation will provide a nationwide overview of the power of eminent domain and the rights held by property owners and will discuss the recent trends in eminent domain litigation and some of the practical issues facing government and landowners alike.

Steven M. Silva
Nossaman LLP
- Has tried eminent domain matters to jury verdict, obtained published opinions from several appellate courts in both Nevada and California, and has worked with municipal clients to install driveways to avoid claims of access impairment in public works
- Has worked on freeway expansion cases—in both direct and inverse condemnation actions
- Assisted a county in a roughly $250 million dollar acquisition of a municipal facility in a complex purchase-option valuation arbitration
- Has authored numerous amicus curiae briefs on behalf of public entities and national organizations in various courts and numerous publications in the areas of eminent domain, constitutional law, and legal history
- Contributor to the Nevada Civil Practice Manual; the Nevada Appellate Practice Manual; and the Nevada Real Property Practice Manual

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