Increase your knowledge and enhance your skills with an in-depth discussion surrounding the world of purchase orders.
This course will cover the operations of a procurement office and how purchase order systems are used. The topics discussed will give you an understanding of purchasing processes and how to avoid common mistakes. Today's fast-paced demands are requiring a rethinking of the standard paper processes and the use of electronic systems to facilitate decentralized desktop ordering with just-in-time delivery while weighing the risks to internal controls.

Kenneth M. Jones
- Procurement specialist (part time) providing training to new procurement staff at the University at Albany, SUNY
- Previously served as the Assistant Director of Institutional Services at the University at Albany, SUNY, for 15 years
- Has trained many university staff on state procurement rules and regulations as well as the Research Foundation for SUNY (a non-profit organization) rules and regulations working with various granting agencies
- Provided procurement procedures, training, and transactional review for a research foundation for a SUNY grant funded procurement team in Nairobi, Kenya
- Established online ordering processes with vendors ranging from office supplies to lab supplies
- More than 30 years of experience working in the public and nonprofit procurement field
- Previous purchasing experience included procuring commodities, services, and construction for the departments on campus
- Conducts regular seminars, webinars, and workshops on various procurement topics
- Past purchasing assistant for the New York State Office of Taxation and Finance
- Can be contacted at 518-875-6854 or [email protected]

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