Learn the steps you can take to prevent discrimination claims and how to handle them if they arise.
Employee discrimination claims are costly for employers, both in terms of time and money. It is imperative to understand the federal laws that govern discrimination in employment, the steps employers can take to prevent discrimination claims, and how to handle these claims if they arise. This course will guide employers through the employment discrimination claim process, beginning with effective strategies to prevent discrimination claims, then moving to internally handling an employee's complaint, to navigating the EEOC investigation, and ending with taking the case before a jury.

Holly E. Courtney
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Holly Courtney
- Partner at Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
- Practice focuses on labor and employment disputes and counsel; as a litigator, mounts forceful and persuasive defenses before federal and state courts and administrative agencies on behalf of employers; as an advisor, helps management develop and maintain compliant employee policies
- Includes issues related to discrimination, including harassment and retaliation; drug and alcohol testing; employee leave; wage and hour law; workers’ compensation; unemployment insurance; the National Labor Relations Act; restrictive covenants; employee handbooks and policies and separation and severance agreements
- Prior to joining the firm, judicial intern to the Hon. David T. Prosser, Jr. with the Wisconsin Supreme court, Hon. Richard J. Sankovitz of the Milwaukee County Circuit Court; also served as a mediator in the Milwaukee County Circuit Court Small Claims Division
- J.D., cum laude, Marquette University Law School; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 608-283-0121 or [email protected]

Nadia L. Gonzalez
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
- Associate at Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
- Advises businesses on a range of matters affecting the employer-employee relationship
- Before joining the firm, she was a summer associate at the firm, and she also completed a legal externship with the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois
- Previously worked as a legal clerk for a Wisconsin-based insurance company, where she worked closely with in-house counsel to analyze and provide guidance on legal issues involving human resources matters, compliance, contracts, litigation avoidance, and other issues
- J.D. degree, University of Wisconsin Law School; B.A. degree in political science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Can be contacted at 608-416-1701 or [email protected]

Leah N. Moon
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
- Associate at Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
- Advises public and private companies on a range of workplace policies, programs, and practices
- Assists companies in the development, implementation, and administration of employee benefit plans, including retirement plans, health and welfare plans, and executive compensation plans
- Worked as a clinical student with Legal Assistance for Institutionalized Persons (LAIP) and as an intern with the Wisconsin State Public Defender
- Member of the American Bar Association, State Bar of Wisconsin, Association for Women Lawyers, and Dane County Bar Association
- J.D. degree, University of Wisconsin Law School; B.A. in psychology, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 608-283-2249

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