Remaining ethically compliant requires an understanding of how the Rules of Professional Responsibility apply to the different kinds of online environments from creating a virtual law firm to participation in online directories, marketplace, and other online venues that generate client leads for law firms. Attorneys now have an ethical duty to understand the risks and benefits of using these technological tools and participating in online environments. This OnDemand Webinar is designed to help you make informed decisions about which online technologies are ethically compliant and the requirements for ethical compliance. This program will also discuss a methodology for conducting due diligence and a framework for complying with the rules of professional responsibility. The benefits of using Internet technologies to enhance law firm marketing, law firm productivity, and the client experience will also be covered.

Richard S. Granat
DirectLaw, Inc.
- CEO/founder – DirectLaw, Inc., a virtual law firm platform provider
- Co-chair eLawyering Task Force, American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section
- Reporter, ABA Best Practices for legal information web sites
- Partner, Granat Legal Services, P.C., one of the first virtual law firms in the U.S.
- Named a “Legal Rebel” by the American Bar Association Journal and awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Bar Association for Innovation in the Delivery of Legal Services
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on eLawyering, unbundled online legal services, virtual law practice for the ABA and state bar associations
- Member of the American Bar Association, the Maryland State Bar Association and the District of Columbia Bar Association
- J.D. degree, Columbia University School of Law; M.A. degree, University of Pennsylvania; B.A. degree, Lehigh University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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