Learn how to defend against fraud and take appropriate steps to respond when fraud occurs.
This presentation explores the various ways to mitigate risk, especially in the corporate sector as it pertains to organizational fraud. Studies show that occupational fraud schemes result in approximately 5% revenue loss to organizations worldwide on an annual basis. While red flags can be identified, without employing strategies to mitigate risk, schemes perpetrated by trusted personnel can run in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. This presentation is geared towards defining fraud and embezzlement, identifying the nature of occupational fraud schemes, and detailing several risk mitigation techniques that can be employed immediately. After this presentation, professionals working with their clients can identify several internal controls that can be employed immediately. Modern-day forensic investigative technology including data analytics, textual analytics, and sentiment analysis will also be reviewed and detailed as to their role in identifying indicia of fraud. In addition, the legal aspects of corporate internal investigations will be discussed, especially as it relates to independence and maintaining the attorney/client privilege.
Stuart G. Berman, CFE, CAMS, PSP
RSA Risk Management, PLLC
- •Principal and Co-Founder of RSA Risk Management, PPLC in Chicago, IL
- •Provides expert witness services, litigation support, forensic accounting, corporate investigations, eDiscovery services, cyber security, and physical security assessment services
- •Dedicated to serving the legal, government, and private sectors
- •Retired Special Agent in Charge, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Office of Inspector General (OIG)
- •20 years of federal law enforcement experience, with over 25 years of experience in conducting financial and fraud investigations
- •Proficient in forensic accounting, proactive analytics, economic damages calculations, records analysis, and data interpretation
- •Skilled in presenting summaries and complex financial and commercial-related issues

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