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  • 72 Slides

Privacy and Security Issues of Health Related Mobile Applications - Is Yours Secure?

Learn the risks associated with mobile applications as they relate to health and wellness.The FTC, courts, the media, independent researchers, and plaintiffs’ class action attorneys are all focused intensely on data collection and use by mobile apps (as well as by websites, wearables, and IoT). In a seeming eternal game of gotcha, these parties will out companies for using poor privacy and security practices. Academic research is followed by media reports, which is followed by regulator inquiries, which is followed by class action lawsuits. Sometimes the order changes, but the adverse impact on companies is always the same. Health, pharma, medical, and wellness apps present an extremely attractive target for these outside forces because of the sensitivity of the data and the criticality of the services provided. This topic will address: (i) the precise nature of the problem, (ii) explain why compliance is so difficult in this area, and (iii) identify solutions, processes, and strategies for minimizing and managing risk, as well as protecting end-users, consumers, and customers. Most of the time will be spent on subsection (iii). Topics that will be covered include encryption, hashing, dynamic and static testing of apps, documentation, and efficient use of resources.



Steven Roosa

Steven Roosa

Holland & Knight LLP

  • Partner and co-chair of the Tech and Telecom Industry Sector Group at Holland & Knight LLP, New York, NY
  • Practice focuses on advising companies on a wide spectrum of technology and legal issues pertaining to privacy and data security
  • Day-to-day practice includes helping companies better understand the privacy profile of their websites and mobile apps and translating that knowledge into actionable risk management options
  • Fellow Emeritus and the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University
  • Co-wrote Trust Darknet—Control and Compromise in the Internet’s Certificate Authority Trust Model, IEEE 2013, Journal of Internet Computing
  • Graduate, Cornell University and Rutgers School of Law
  • Can be contacted at 212.513.3544 or [email protected]

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