Learn more on the security issues that can arise within computing systems in health care.
Many covered entities and business associates who are required to comply with HIPAA as well as other federal and state law requirements protecting the privacy and security of patients' identifiable data still misunderstand the impact of cloud computing on their electronic protected health information (ePHI), as well as the organization's overall HIPAA compliance. There also continues to be misunderstanding of whether a vendor which transmits and/or hosts an organization's ePHI is a HIPAA Business Associate, or not. This topic helps the persons responsible for their organization's compliance with HIPAA and other federal and state laws ensure that ePHI which is hosted, maintained and/or transmitted by a Cloud Vendor is secure and not used and disclosed in an unauthorized manner. The topic also explains the most critical requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule that an organization should focus on when evaluating a Cloud Vendor. This material will go into detail and provide you and your organization with a roadmap for evaluating your Cloud Vendors, and ensuring that your contract adequately protects your organization and its ePHI before it is 'handed off' to a Cloud Vendor. This information is critical for organizations to hone their Security and Privacy policies and procedures to prevent Breaches and address any shortcomings in their HIPAA compliance program attributed to the use of a Cloud Vendor. HHS/OCR investigation and recent Attorney General settlements have stated that the Covered Entity is the initial gate-keepers to ePHI which must evaluate all vendors, including those utilizing The Cloud, with due diligence.

Helen Oscislawski, Esq.
Attorneys at Oscislawski LLC
- Founding partner, Attorneys at Oscislawski LLC
- Corporate and regulatory attorney whose practice focuses almost exclusively on advising and representing health care clients
- Recognized nationally for her substantial experience with and understanding of legal issues that arise with the use of electronic medical records and networked health information exchange
- In 2008, Governor Corzine appointed her to the New Jersey Health Information Technology Commission to fill the seat reserved by statute for an attorney practicing in this state with demonstrated expertise in health privacy in 2010, Governor Christie reappointed her to the commission, and she also served as the chair of New Jersey’s Privacy and Security Committee
- Over the course of her career, she has completed complex legal analyses regarding patient consent issues, privacy standards, security breach response, and other patient-data related challenges
- Known to many as a go to attorney on HIPAA, health information exchange and technology, and legal advice relating to health care data breaches
- Currently advises some of the most sophisticated organizations in the nation on all aspects of managing patient privacy and legal risk resulting from data breaches
- Who’s Who 2017 Top Lawyer, and is also recognized as a Lawyer of Distinction, a designation granted to only the top 10% of attorneys in the nation
- Speaks regularly at various national events on these topics, as well as maintains a popular blog called Legal HIE, www.legalhie.com
- Can be contacted at 609-385-0833 ext.1 or [email protected]

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