Failure to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act can have dire consequences -- make sure you are compliant.
This presentation provides valuable insight into recent changes to and developments with the federal prevailing wage law (Davis Bacon & Related Acts - DBRA). Prevailing wage requirements can be nuanced and confusing. Unfortunately, seemingly minor missteps can lead to substantial and crippling liability. You will learn sensible strategies to limit liability and increase competitiveness when bidding prevailing wage projects. The speaker has substantial real-world experience defending companies during prevailing wage audits and litigation under the DBRA. In addition, the speaker's active involvement with legislation and enforcement developments allows him to offer key insights into unique issues and difficulties facing contractors. There will be time for questions and answers to ensure you are able to address specific scenarios to enter the bidding season with confidence and the know-how to bid, secure, and perform on prevailing wage projects in full compliance with the law.

Jeffrey A. Risch, Esq.
Amundsen Davis
- Partner and co-chair of Amundsen Davis, LLC’s Labor & Employment Practice Group, Chicago, Illinois
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of management-side labor and employment, in both employment litigation and traditional labor matters
- Experience representing employers in federal, state, and administrative venues
- Named to the 2010 Chicago Law Bulletin’s 40 Under 40; Best Lawyers 2015–2023; Illinois SuperLawyers 2012–2023
- Chair, Employment Law Council – Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Chapter Labor Counsel – Associated Builders & Contractors of Illinois
- Chapter Labor Counsel – Northern Illinois Building Contractors Association
- Chapter Labor Counsel – Finishing Contractors Association of Illinois
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 630-587-7922

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