Understand the complexities of federal health care program payments and make sure your organization is getting the reimbursement it deserves.
State Medicaid programs rely on a number of 'program integrity' mechanisms to detect and investigate fraud, ranging from criminal investigations to a number of different audit procedures. However, like their Federal Medicare counterparts, Medicaid audits may be aggressive and result in demands for large sums of money. This topic will cover several common types of Medicaid audit processes, describe how they affect providers, and what they can do to get ready.
Hugh M. Barton
Hugh M. Barton, P.C.
- Founder of Hugh M. Barton, P.C.
- Former Section Chief in Texas Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
- Former Assistant General Counsel for Texas Medical Association
- Board Certified in Health Law by Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- Past Chair of the Health Law Section of the State Bar of Texas
- Frequent speaker and writer on health law topics
- Practiced health law since 1984
- Can be contacted at 512-499-0793 or [email protected]

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