Understand how to deliver bad news sensitively and effectively.
We've all been there, where we find ourselves having to have difficult conversations with employees where we aren't sure how to keep the peace while expressing bad news. This presentation will help you learn how to communicate effectively and reflectively so you can feel good about how you express negative circumstances, such as demotion, improvement plans, raise denial, etc. We will explore specific examples to help you gain confidence in these situations so that you may continue your personal and professional growth during times of difficulty.

Amy Nolan
Life Design by Amy
- Life & Business Coach/Mental Health Therapist at Life Design by Amy
- Board-certified life and executive and licensed psychotherapist
- Practice primarily helps busy professionals with an emphasis on work-life balance and the consciousness of self-care
- Public speaker for her own company, trainer of the Center for Credentialing & Education, writes curriculum for Rutgers University and has written curriculum/content for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
- Over 200 presentations in the business, mental health, and wellness industries
- Author of Insights Blog, featured on public outlets such as Yahoo and New York Post
- Ed.S. Degree in organizational management; Master’s degree in counseling psychology
- Can be contacted at [email protected], www.lifedesignbyamy.com, or on Instagram @lifecoachamy

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