Foreclosing on a multimillion dollar asset can be costly if mistakes are made.
Join us to learn how to properly navigate through the process or even hone your foreclosure skills.An asset manager working for a large lender or special servicer gets handed a file marked defaulted loan and they call you for help. They may not know your state's laws or even where to begin. Mistakes can happen if the file is not handled the right way. Imagine you send a default letter to the wrong address because you failed to read the notice provision in the mortgage and your entire case gets reversed for improper notice, or that you foreclose on the wrong property because the legal description in your complaint was incorrect, or you missed a large lienholder that you needed to name in your lawsuit. This topic will help you create a check list of items that cannot be missed. It will help you issue spot or even find lost money your client never knew existed. Foreclosing on a multimillion dollar asset can be costly if mistakes are made. Learn how to properly navigate through the process or even hone your foreclosure skills.

Cara M. Houck
Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C.
- Senior principal, Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C.
- Litigation attorney specializing in commercial real estate workouts and foreclosures on behalf of lenders and special servicers throughout the Midwest
- Works with a team of lawyers and paralegals handling billions of dollars in assets each year
- Recognized by Marquis Who’s Who for Excellence in Law, Leading Lawyers of Illinois and Illinois’ Super Lawyers
- Tried several lawsuits, conducted arbitrations and appeared before state and federal courts around the country
- Experience in litigation and business background to find profitable ways of resolving her clients’ commercial real estate assets
- Member of the American, Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations and a board member of the Chicago Bar Foundation
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous commercial real estate foreclosure and workouts for a list of speeches, see
- M.A. degree in business administration, Kellogg School of Management
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 225 West Washington, Suite 2600, Chicago, Illinois 60606 or 312-460-4239

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