Learn best practices so you can better ensure the success of a phased retirement program.
Retirement looks very different in the 21st century than it did in the past, and employers and employees are facing different challenges and looking for different opportunities. Phased retirement is a human resource tool that will allow full-time employees to work a part-time schedule and draw partial retirement benefits during employment. Such a program can serve as a tool that allows managers to better provide unique mentoring opportunities for employees while retaining access to the decades of institutional knowledge and experience that retirees can provide. This course will explain how phased retirement works and help you understand what to consider when evaluating such a program. Additionally, the legal requirements applicable to phased retirement and what compliance issues may be faced by employers implementing these programs. This course will provide employers with information about trends and best practices so they can better ensure the success of a phased retirement program.

Stefan P. Smith
Baker & Hostetler, LLP
- Partner at Baker & Hostetler LLP (Dallas, TX & Los Angeles, CA)
- 25 years of experience counseling employers on matters affecting employee benefits and executive compensation
- Regularly speaks nationwide on legal developments and trends in employee benefits and related compensation matters
- Former adjunct professor of law at Southern Methodist University Dedman College of Law
- Fellow, American College of Employee Benefits Counsel
- Vice Chair, American Bar Association Section of Taxation, Employee Benefits Committee
- J.D. degree, with honors, University of Texas School of Law; B.A. degree in political science, magna cum laude, Southern Methodist University
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 214-210-1202, or 310-979-8431

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