Employers, large and small, struggle to attract, incentivize, retain, and reward employees.
Traditional compensation plans that offer a salary, participation in a 401(k) plan, and access to a medical insurance plan are no longer enough to turn heads. To get and keep the very best, employers have to let employees put skin in the game. When the company is ready to go beyond a company match or a profit-sharing feature, it might be time for an equity incentive plan. Equity compensation is not just for executives; employees at every level can benefit from an incentive plan that rewards individual performance, business unit performance, and company performance. This topic helps employers get familiar with the factors that determine what type of equity compensation plan is right for them and their workforce to motivate performance and retain employees. The information also explains how an equity compensation plan with a deferred compensation feature helps employees plan for retirement. Finally, the material explains the risks created by an equity compensation plan and the complications they can bring to M&A activity.

Angela M. Stockbridge
Locke Lord LLP
- Associate, Locke Lord, LLP
- Practice emphasizes 409A compliance, equity compensation design, and retirement and welfare plan oversight
- Provides advice to both executives and employers on matters including change in control agreements, deferred compensation arrangements, all types of equity-based compensation plans, nonqualified deferred compensation design, qualified plan corrections and compliance advice, welfare plan administrative advice, and training related to fiduciary duties and HIPAA
- Experience with publicly traded and privately held companies across all benefits and executive compensation matters, including creation of change in control plans for executives, contract negotiations, claims & appeals, and benefits guidance throughout M&A activity
- Previous experience as in-house ERISA and executive compensation counsel for multiple Fortune 500 companies
- Admitted to practice in Texas
- J.D. degree, Cornell Law School; B.A. degree, University of Texas
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 214-740-8402

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