Coordinated civil and criminal proceedings by government officials, coupled with regulatory enforcement and parallel litigation brought by private parties, give rise to new and difficult challenges for in-house counsel and practitioners alike. These challenges can be particularly acute with respect to preservation or waiver of the attorney-client privilege, the risk of self-incrimination, the drawing of adverse inferences, collateral consequences, and the like. Managing the risks associated with the possibility of contending with adversaries on multiple fronts complicates advising clients.

Walter P. Loughlin
K&L Gates LLP
- Partner in the global law firm K&L Gates LLP, resident in its New York office
- Concentrates practice on complex civil and criminal litigation, SEC enforcement matters, internal corporate investigations and appeals
- Lecturer in Law at Columbia Law School where for the last twenty years he has taught a seminar, with Judge Jed S. Rakoff, on the Interplay of Civil and Criminal Law
- Wrote, “Parallel Civil and Criminal Proceedings,” The Practical Litigator (ABA-ALI March 2011), “Fighting on Two Fronts: Parallel Proceedings and Challenges at the Intersection of Criminal and Civil Law,” Metropolitan Corporate Counsel (October 2006), and co-wrote, with Judge Leonard B. Sand, Judge Jed S. Rakoff, and others of Modern Federal Jury Instructions (Lexis-Nexus 1984, with semi-annual updates), a multi-volume treatise for federal judges and practitioners
- Served as Assistant United States Attorney, and Chief Appellate Attorney, in the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, as Associate Independent Counsel in the Iran-Contra prosecutions, and in the prosecution of former White House Chief of Staff Michael K. Deaver
- J.D. degree, Yale Law School; B.A. degree, magna cum laude, UCLA; M.A. degree in political science, Yale University
- Can be contacted at 212-536-4065 or [email protected]

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