Learn best practices for dealing with family law cases, clients, and attorneys.
This course will cover expectations for paralegals when working in a family law practice and tips for dealing with family law cases, clients, and attorneys. We will review the paralegal's role in taking a case from beginning to end. We will discuss the expectations most family law firms and attorneys have for paralegals in this field. This will include the basics of client management, deadlines, organization, preparing discovery and for trial, as well as legal concepts in family law.

Kelly Burris
Cordell & Cordell
- Partner at Cordell & Cordell, the largest law firm specializing only in family law in the U.S.
- 21 years in practice
- Board certified in family law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- Has taught CLEs all over the country regarding various areas of family law
- Previously listed as a Super Lawyer and Rising Star in Texas Monthly
- Quoted in Newsweek, the New York Times, the London Telegraph, and other national and international publications in articles relating to divorce, cryptocurrency, and other related divorce issues
- Articles published in Divorce Magazine and Family Lawyer Magazine

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