Having a realistic and personalized plan for a surviving spouse is crucial when it comes to advising them on their estate and assets after the death occurs.
A surviving spouse faces unique challenges after the death of their spouse and ends up in unchartered waters, emotionally, spiritually and financially. The surviving spouse suddenly finds him or herself alone, grieving, vulnerable and forced to deal with legal issues. This information will provide a format for advisors, whether legal, financial or otherwise, to guide and counsel clients who have recently experienced the death of a spouse. The materials will emphasize the myriad of issues that arise for the surviving spouse and present workable suggestions and solutions. This information is critical for anyone who specializes in estate planning or probate or who wants to learn more about this important topic. To often clients fail to plan for the what if scenario or end up in a scenario for which there an insufficient plan or worse, yet, no plan. These materials will provide the necessary tools to address these issues.

Tereina Stidd, J.D., LL.M.
American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, Inc.
- Director of Education at the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in estate planning
- Co-Author Chapter 6 Homestead in Basic Estate Planning in Florida, 6th-11th ed., published by the Florida Bar
- Member of the Tax and Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law Sections of the Florida Bar
- J.D. degree, the Claude W. Petit College of Law at Ohio Northern University; LL.M. degree in taxation, the University of Miami School of Law; B.A. degree in political science, cum laude, St. Bonaventure University

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