Communicate faster, work together more efficiently, and discover insights across your organization with Office 365®.
Why Office 365®? What exactly is Office 365®, and why should I care? What is this cloud thing anyway?
This program will answer those questions and break down the tools that Office 365® offers. It's not just about Word® and Excel® anymore - learn about workflows and how to create forms. Also, how to collaborate using Teams®, SharePoint Online®, and other applications.

Jill A. Trehearne
- President of
- Over 15 years in the graphic/publishing industry
- Over 20 years in the IT industry, including eight years working at Microsoft Corporation as a support engineer and content lead; also, as a Windows system engineer for various other companies, including a major health provider group
- While at Microsoft, she experienced working on multiple Six Sigma Green Belt projects, and as part of a Green Belt team won the Microsoft Excellence in Business Award
- As Content Lead, Jill wrote technical support articles for Microsoft Office and Home products
- Develops and designs websites, designs iPhone graphics, and co-develops commercial SQL solutions
- Associate’s degree in applied sciences – Graphic Design, Illinois Central College; Continuing Education, University of Maryland, Europe Division; and various certificates of learning while on the job

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Additional benefits include:
- State Specific Credit Tracker
- Members Only Newsletter
- All-Access Pass Course Concierge
* For audio recordings you only pay shipping
Questions? Call 877-296-2169 to speak with a real person.
More Program Information
Access to all training products $699/year
Unlimited Lorman Training
With the All-Access Pass there is no guessing what you will need for your yearly training budget. $699 will cover all of your training needs for an entire year!
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Once you purchase your All-Access Pass you will never be any further than one-click away from attending any Lorman training course.
Invest in Yourself
You haven't gotten to where you are professionally by luck alone; it's taken a lot of hard work and training. Invest in yourself with the All-Access Pass.