Join us for a comprehensive guide to correctly write, edit, and manage an effective nonprofit board policy manual.
New nonprofit board members are uncomfortable or unwilling to become active after joining the board because they are not sure about the hows of the board's operations, and soon become disenchanted and uninvolved in important board operations. Nonprofit Board Members who understand how the board operates will be ready to govern effectively at their first board meeting, instead of being expected to learn as they go along, wasting their valuable time and talents when they could be actively participating in the board's governance and strategy. How can this be accomplished? Creating a Board Operating Policies and Procedures Manual complements your organization's bylaws by providing the details required to carry out the board's operations, answers questions about process and procedures and clarifies roles and responsibilities. In fact, this material is the key to effective new board member orientation, clarifying the hows of the board's operations.

Jean Block
Jean Block Consulting, Inc
- National trainer and consultant on nonprofit management, board development, and fundraising
- Has served as both board and staff leader for local, regional, and national nonprofits for more than 50 years
- In 1996, formed Jean Block Consulting, Inc to share her expertise with nonprofit organizations whose missions serve arts to environment, human services to animal rights, educational institutions, and professional associations; in 2006, founded Social Enterprise Ventures, LLC to guide nonprofits through a process to develop earned income strategies
- A sought-after speaker and trainer at national conferences such as CAPLAW and the Southern Grants Forum, as well as other local and regional meetings and individual nonprofit organizations
- Has written several nonprofit books and manuals, including The ABCs of Building Better Boards; The Invisible Yellow Line: Clarifying Board and Staff Roles; Fast FUNdraising Facts for Fame & Fortune; FUNdraising, 180+ Great Ideas to Raise More Money; and The Nonprofit Guide to Social Enterprise: Show Me The (Unrestricted) Money
- Can be contacted at or [email protected]

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