Make sure you are in compliance with OSHA's heat illness prevention programs.
Hot weather will be upon us soon, and employers need to be prepared to address heat-related hazards and illnesses. Failure to understand the risks of heat illness and how to protect your employees is of critical importance. This course will provide you with the information you need to understand heat stress and illness, heat stress hazards, and actions to minimize the risk of heat illness.
This material will cover OSHA requirements associated with heat stress prevention and compliance requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In addition, OSHA's likely new heat illness standard will be discussed.

Tracy L. Moon, Jr.
Fisher & Phillips LLP
- Partner in the Atlanta office of Fisher & Phillips LLP
- Practice emphasizes counseling and training employers regarding compliance with employment and labor laws, rules, and regulations, and how to avoid workplace problems and prevent lawsuits
- Conducts on-site compliance inspections and in-house management training programs
- Advises employers on both federal and state OSHA related issues, including compliance, prevention, accident, injury, and death cases
- An OSHA general industry outreach trainer authorized to conduct 10 and 30-hour general industry training
- Has written numerous articles on a wide variety of employment and labor law subjects
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 404-275-2305 (cell), or 404-240-4246 (office)

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