Gain an understanding of current trends in elder financial exploitation.
This program will present an overview of the Bureau's priorities, key initiatives, and resources for older people, financial caregivers, elder justice professionals, and other stakeholders. The material will focus on age-friendly banking, elder fraud prevention and response networks, research, and resources. At the conclusion of the program, you will be armed with information on current trends in elder financial exploitation, where to find practical and valuable resources for professional training, and community education.

Jenefer Duane
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Senior Program Analyst for the Office for Older Americans
- National lead of the Elder Fraud Prevention and Response Network program with over 20 years experience as an elder justice professional
- Over her career has been presented various awards for her contributions and work in elder abuse prevention
- Passionate advocate for the protection of older people and for engaging professionals and older people themselves in preventing financial harm, planning ahead for diminished capacity, and improving response to cases that are reported to law enforcement and social services

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* For audio recordings you only pay shipping
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