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45 Slides available anytime
  • 45 Slides

Office Safety


Gain the information needed to enhance office safety and identify risks.

According to the F.B.I., active shooter incidents across the United States increased 52.5% from 2020 to 2021. Roughly half of all active shooter episodes occur in businesses and other places of commerce. This program will provide up to date research information and protocols that you can incorporate into toolkits to enhance office safety and identify risks to health and safety. Course attendees may expect to learn the red flags of potential violence, ways to de-escalate a situation that has the potential to erupt into violence, and strategies to mitigate the risk of violence from ever occurring in the first place. Course attendees will also learn how to protect against other potential risks to office safety, such as fire and equipment safety.



Kathleen M. Bonczyk, MBA, Esq.

Kathleen M. Bonczyk, MBA, Esq.

Workplace Violence Prevention Institute

Kathleen M. Bonczyk, Esq.

  • Attorney and Founder/Executive Director of the Workplace Violence Prevention Institute, a re-search organization whose motto is workplace violence may be predicted and therefore prevented
  • Former human resources executive and an attorney
  • Nationally recognized expert on the topic of workplace violence prevention
  • Has lectured and written on the topic of office safety for over two decades
  • J.D. Degree, Nova Southeastern University; M.B.A. Degree, Florida Atlantic University
  • Can be contacted at [email protected] or through the WVPI’s website

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