Protect your company from losing employees to competitors by enforcing a compliant noncompete policy that adheres to your state's laws.
Noncompete agreements are getting more attention than ever, in state legislatures, courts, and mainstream media. What does this mean for your company? In most states, noncompetes remain the most effective way to protect your company's resources against the actions of departing employees trying to jump start their career moves by cashing in on their former employer's investment in relationships and information. Effectively using noncompetes requires knowledge of your and other states' laws, and good decisions both in the design and enforcement of the noncompetes. This topic will give you the tools to start effectively using noncompetes or, if you already are, to improve your company's program.

William A. Nolan
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
- Partner in Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s Columbus, Ohio, office
- Opened Barnes & Thornburg’s Columbus office in April 2009
- Member of the firm’s Labor and Employment Law Department
- Extensive experience as a litigator, trial lawyer and counselor
- Practice includes a broad range of issues that organizations face in a rapidly changing competitive, legal and workplace environment
- Helps management structure organizations, practices and relationships to proactively minimize the business disruption of disputes, and to help clients prevail when and wherever those disputes would occur
- Litigation and trial work includes covenant not to compete and trade secret cases in federal and state courts throughout the country
- J.D. degree, Harvard Law School; B.A. degree, Cornell University

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