Take an in-depth look at mortgage fraud and its impact across the banking industry.
It's estimated that mortgage fraud such as lying on loan applications and inflated appraisals will cost the industry about $2.5 billion annually for several years. The $10 trillion-dollar mortgage industry is still rife with fraud. Mortgage brokers, real estate agents, buyers, sellers, appraisers and builders can all commit fraud on any property transaction. The solution is to be vigilant through all steps of the mortgage process. We will discuss different types of mortgage scams and how to investigate them. Many of the investigations discussed can be accessed through public records or low-cost databases.

Patrick McPherson
Metro Legal Services
- Managing investigator at A&M Investigative Services, LLC
- We concentrate our efforts on civil and criminal litigation support, Title IX investigations, and all types of background investigations, including asset/liability reports, executive backgrounds, corporate due diligence, and criminal defense
- Three-time instructor for Minnesota Public Defenders New Attorney Training
- Named ‘Everyday Hero’ by Thompson Reuters, an award for excellence in investigations
- Holds Minnesota Private Investigator License
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 612-245-4894

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