Gain a different perspective on alternative talent attraction techniques.
There have been hundreds of books written on recruiting and there isn't a one size fits all solution. Organizations need to use a variety of approaches based on the position they are sourcing and the market environment. The talent market is starting to tighten up. We had a similar experience during the latter half of the 90's. Many organizations raised the compensation bar to attract the best talent. But what if your organization doesn't have the ability to exponentially raise salaries? Do they lose out? Not necessarily. This topic, 'Moneyball Recruiting: Win the Talent You Need', will address alternatives organizations may want to consider in sourcing and selecting talent. Organizations that continue to grow and survive are learning organizations that have a strong commitment to developing their talent and exploring new concepts and ideas. The individuals who help organizations thrive, are 'lifelong learners' who take advantage of listening to new ideas and bring some of those ideas back to their organization. This information will provide a different perspective for many and reinforce what you already know for others. It should get you excited about the one area of strategic HR that we typically don't get excited about.

Gary Wheeler, SPHR, GPHR, CCP, CBP
The Virtual HR Director
- Founder of The Virtual HR Director
- Provides strategic and tactical HR solutions for organizations and their leaders; been providing consulting services since 2005
- Prior to becoming a consultant, he was a 24 year veteran of United Parcel Service where he spent time in operations, industrial engineering and human resources
- M.B.A. degree and B.S. degree in human resources, University of Maryland University College (UMUC)

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