Make sure your organization is ready for any changes that may arise within the realm of Medicare billing and coding.
This topic will focus on changes to the Medicare program in 2018. Without proper clinical documentation and coding many services from hospitals and physicians will be denied. Compliance programs will be reviewed to include internal auditing and education of staff. The number one denial in today's health care operations is medical necessity. Accomplished coders must pay attention to the detail of diagnostic coding to make sure payment is produced. Utilizing the OIG's yearly Work Plan will help facilities audit their own deficiencies and improve their compliance with governmental auditing programs. This past year there have been several entities auditing for CMS, (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) to confront fraud and abuse. This topic will explain how these entities are working together to recoup payments from providers and Medicare administrative contractors.
Cheryl House, RMC, CHI
CCH Medical Consultants
- Partner with CCH Medical Consultants, a consulting and billing management facility
- Certified Evaluation and Management Coder through AAPC
- Certified health care instructor, working in consulting and billing management for more than 30 years
- Nationally known speaker on health care topics such as CMS regulation, specialty coding/billing and health care trends in managed care
- Knowledgeable billing and managed care consultant as well as an excellent seminar instructor

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