Gain a better understanding of the exemptions that apply to Wisconsin manufacturers and the requirements to claim the exemptions.
Gain a better understanding of the exemptions that apply to Wisconsin manufacturers and the requirements to claim the exemptions. Wisconsin's sales and use tax law is very complex for manufacturers. As a result, many errors are made by manufacturers, including both underpayments and overpayments of tax. The Wisconsin Revenue Department audits many manufacturers which often results in large tax liabilities, interest and penalties. This topic will help you identify exemptions that directly and indirectly apply to your manufacturing operations and the requirements that must be met to claim the exemptions. You will also obtain information to help you improve your compliance with the sales and use tax law and avoid large financial risks if audited.

Jack E. De Young, CPA
De Young Tax Consulting
- More than 40 years’ experience in sales and use taxes
- Provides sales tax consulting to CPA firms and companies throughout Wisconsin
- Specializes in Wisconsin sales and use taxes, including representing clients in audits and appeals, refund claims, compliance reviews, voluntary disclosure and training
- Previously with Wisconsin Department of Revenue as an auditor, criminal investigator, director of appeals and assistant administrator. Also was a sales tax consultant for a large regional CPA firm
- Speaker at over 200 seminars on sales and use taxes
- Member of WICPA and WICPA State Taxation Committee
- Recipient of 'Outstanding Tax Professional' award from UW-Milwaukee Tax Association and Corporate Report Wisconsin magazine
- B.B.A. degree, University of Wisconsin- Madison
- Can be contacted at 608-222-8156 or [email protected]

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