Is your organization millennial-friendly? Get the best from your millennial employees by understanding how to engage and motivate them effectively.
Millennials are the largest generation in the United States: our employees, our peers, the new CEOs, and our future bosses. Recognizing and leveraging the unique skills, world views, and perspectives of millennials will help companies adapt and produce at higher levels needed to succeed in a changing marketplace. If you are in any kind of close relationship with a millennial, any efforts to improve that relationship will make a difference in your own energy level and life satisfaction. You will learn more about millennials, confront your own stereotypes, see opportunities, rethink your approach to diversity, and learn what makes millennials tick. You will also find out strategies to coach them to success.

Nathan Regier, Ph.D.
Next Element Consulting, LLC
- Founder and CEO of Next Element Consulting, a global organizational culture consulting company
- Published four books about compassionate leadership and workplace culture
- Hosts a podcast called OnCompassion with Dr. Nate
- Certifying master trainer in the Process Communication Model
- Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology, University of Kansas
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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