Learn how to handle even the toughest workplace situations that could otherwise lead to costly litigation.
Today's workforce demands more from its employers than ever before. To attract and retain top talent, employers must ensure an inclusive environment free from discrimination and bias. As a result, business leaders and managers are facing increased scrutiny from a savvy workforce, and they must be equipped with the tools to prevent and remedy discrimination, bias, or the perception of either. In the program, attendees will be provided with those tools, from understanding the ever-expanding protected classes as a matter of law, to spotting hidden issues in real-life examples, to gaining practical insights into how to handle the most complicated situations. After this program, attendees will feel empowered to handle even the toughest workplace situations that could otherwise lead to costly litigation.

Stephen E. Baumann, II
Littler Mendelson P.C.
- Provides nationwide, risk-adjusted advice to employers of all sizes, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies, about enforcement of non-compete agreements and other unfair competition
- Has successfully negotiated resolutions of countless unfair competition disputes, whether protecting companies and new hires from threats of litigation by former employers or protecting companies’ assets and relationships when employees leave to join a competitor
- Has a robust litigation practice in federal and state courts nationwide, including complex litigation involving trade secrets, noncompete agreements, discrimination, retaliation, harassment, failure to accommodate, and wrongful termination
- Has obtained temporary restraining orders (TROs) and preliminary injunctions following hotly contested evidentiary proceedings to protect the trade secrets, confidential information, and competitive advantages of energy companies, advertising companies, mid-size distributing companies, medical device companies, industrial maintenance and repair companies, and others
- Has also obtained Rule 12 dismissal of allegations seeking a declaratory judgment on enforceability of a non-compete agreement, as well as damages for outrageous conduct, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and invasion of privacy, on behalf of an alternative energy company, including an award of fees and costs against plaintiff
- Author of various articles for Littler Mendelson P.C., including A New, More Restrictive Era for Restrictive Covenants in Colorado and Colorado Criminalizes Certain Restrictive Covenants

Danielle Van Katwyk
Littler Mendelson P.C.
- Practice consists of defending employers in federal and state court against claims of discrimination and harassment, retaliatory discharge, and restrictive covenant matters
- Representative experience includes obtaining a temporary restraining order in federal court, restraining former employee from disclosing employer’s confidential information, and soliciting client’s customers.
- Has presented on various topics, including Restrictive Covenants Updates: The Cutting Edge on Colorado and Beyond and Restrictive Covenants During the Great Resignation: Legislative Updates and Strategic Approaches for Employers

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