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15 Slides available anytime
  • 15 Slides

Making It Through the Land Entitlement Process


Gain insights and strategies on how to successfully navigate the land use entitlement process.

This course will discuss the importance of identifying local land use, political, and demographic trends at the pre-application due diligence stage. It will also cover how each topic can impact your project pro forma, and strategies for identifying funding opportunities to mitigate potential risks associated with these trends. In addition, best practices for compiling a legally defensible record supporting your approvals will be examined.



David J Cooper, Esq.

David J Cooper, Esq.

Zarin & Steinmetz LLP

  • Senior Partner at Zarin & Steinmetz LLP
  • Practice involves land use, federal and state environmental quality review compliance, eminent domain, public-private partnerships and litigation
  • Over 20 years of experience with entitlement battles
  • Combines experience with both private and public clients, providing insight into the motives of key stakeholders on both sides of the entitlement review process
  • Represents Fortune 500 and national developers in complex approvals and public-private partnerships, including eminent domain cases and large-scale redevelopment projects across New York
  • Serves on the Board of Directors of Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress
  • J.D. Degree, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law; B.A. Degree, Colgate University
  • Can be contacted at 914-682-7800 or [email protected]

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