Gain a better understanding on how clinics can help prevent issues revolving around opioid abuse and overdoses.
Once upon a time, prescribing pain medication was a simple task for a provider. In today's world, prescribing an opioid has become complex and challenging. And, providers have been held liable for their clinical decision making when it comes to appropriate pain management. Deaths due to prescription opioids has increased immensely. In 2017, opioid-prescription related deaths was five times higher than in 1999. With this high risk, providers are being held accountable in the courtroom. Each day, an estimated 130 people die due to opioid-associated events. This material will review the opioid abuse epidemic's background and causal factors. Learn the legal liabilities associated with prescribing opioids. Review clinical best practices which will provide background knowledge of appropriate provider behaviors and pain management. These best practices can be recommended when providers are working with challenging patients (i.e. talking points for difficult conversations involving opioids and pain contracts). This information will inform the audience of the background of the opioid abuse epidemic, how this impacts providers and malpractice claims, and how issues or overdoses can be prevented with clinical best practices. Become better equipped to know what red flags to look for when supporting provider colleagues.

Julie Song, MPH, CPHRM
Keck Medicine of USC
- Ambulatory Risk Manager/Risk Analyst for a large academic health care organization
- Over 13 years of health care risk management experience
- Worked in a variety of health care settings including medical malpractice insurance, ambulatory, long-term acute care, nursing homes, and the Veteran affairs
- Member of ASHRM – American Society for Health Care Risk Management, and SCAHRM – Southern California Association for Healthcare Risk Management
- Certified Professional Healthcare Risk Manager (CPHRM)
- B.A. degree, University of California, Berkeley; MPH degree, University of California, specializing in health services
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 323-442-5968

Lauren Hoerchner, BSN RN, CMSRN
Keck Medicine of USC
- Ambulatory Risk Manager/Risk Analyst for a large academic health care organization
- Administrative lead for USC’s Opioid Prescribing Initiative
- Co-author of USC’s approved Opioid Prescribing Guidelines (Acute and Chronic)
- Member of ASHRM – American Society for Health Care Risk Management, and SCAHRM – Southern California Association for Healthcare Risk Management
- CMSRN – Medical Surgical Nursing Certification
- B.S. degree in nursing, minors in leadership and art; undergraduate degree, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; graduate work, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; currently half-way through DNP – Administration: Executive Leadership
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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