Gain a greater understanding of some of the most important and relevant rules of professional conduct impacting every day practice, including the interplay between Rule 1.6 and the attorney client privilege, identifying and reporting attorney misconduct under Rule 8.3, and proper handling of escrowed funds under Rule 1.15. The presenters will explain the interplay between the rules of professional conduct and civil litigation, and provide common sense, useful tips on ways to avoid claims of legal malpractice. Receive an in-depth explanation of the attorney disciplinary process in Pennsylvania, including guidance on how to avoid a disciplinary claim and what to do if you find yourself the subject of an inquiry from the Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board.

Beth L. Weisser
Fox Rothschild LLP
- Partner in the law firm of Fox Rothschild LLP
- Practice focuses on litigation, representation of law firms and attorneys, media, defamation and privacy law and white collar compliance and defense
- Selected as a “Pennsylvania Rising Star” by Philadelphia Magazine and Law and Politics Magazine
- J.D. degree, Villanova University School; B.A. degree, cum laude, George Washington University
- Can be contacted at 215-299-2892 or [email protected]

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