Illinois lawyers apply the Rules of Professional Conduct every day. At the same time, the circumstances to which the rules apply, interpretations of the rules, and the rules themselves are continuously evolving. This topic helps Illinois practitioners stay abreast of the most recent developments with respect to the Illinois ethics rules, including the amendments that took effect on January 1, 2016. Review the 2016 amendments and receive case examples of current and recurrent issues under the rules. The topic also reviews recent trends and limitations on claims for professional liability against Illinois lawyers. Topics include confidentiality of electronically stored information, developments related to advertising and solicitation of clients, and responsibilities to properly supervise nonlawyers and outside lawyers with whom you work.
David C. Giles
Schiff Hardin LLP
- Partner at Schiff Hardin LLP
- Practice concentrating in professional responsibility issues, insurance coverage disputes, and issues affecting financial institutions
- Defended lawyers and law firms accused of legal malpractice in numerous federal and state trial courts and before the Illinois Appellate Court and Illinois Supreme Court
- Tried cases to verdict involving breach-of-contract and contract-formation issues, fraud, accounting disputes, and contractual tax-sharing controversies
- J.D. Degree, magna cum laude, Notre Dame Law School; B.A. degree, Swarthmore College
- Can be contacted at 312-258-5819 or [email protected]

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