Be aware of potential filing and reporting obligations and be equipped to comply with them.
Nonprofit organizations, and particularly private foundations, are subject to a bewildering array of federal excise taxes designed to regulate their behavior. Congress continually adds new excise taxes for this purpose. The rules for navigating these excise taxes become denser and denser, and the IRS has been stepping up compliance through audit activity. This combination of more complexity, more compliance, and great potential penalties is a potentially toxic brew for the unprepared nonprofit organization and its tax advisors. This topic will help persons who deal with nonprofit organizations that are subject to excise tax regimes be aware of potential filing and reporting obligations and be equipped to comply with them.

Michael Lehmann
Dechert LLP
- Partner in the New York and Philadelphia offices of Dechert LLP, has practiced tax law and non-profit organizations law for over 32 years
- Practice emphasizes multiple aspects of federal tax law, including extensive representation of private foundations and other nonprofit organizations ranging from small community based nonprofits to global foundations managing billions of dollars of assets
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous tax and state law topics applicable to nonprofit organizations
- Education: AB, Brown University; JD, Columbia University; LL.M. (Taxation), New York University
- Membership information: New York and Pennsylvania Bars; Tax Court Bar; NY Bar Association; American Bar Association
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 212-698-3803 or 215-994-3803

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