Learn more on the common contract provisions for IP transactions that every lawyer should have.
Virtually every transaction, whether commercial or litigation based, includes a type of intellectual property for which specific terms and conditions must be considered. From patents and trademarks to confidential information and other data, it is critical to include contractual provisions in the bet the company and the day-to-day business agreements that are tailored to protecting the parties' IP interests and reducing the related risks. No longer may boiler plate language be accepted as sufficient. This topic provides examples of common provisions that every lawyer, whether in-house or outside counsel, should have in her or his repertoire to ensure that no intellectual property assets are lost or forgotten.

Mark R. Privratsky
Ballard Spahr LLP
- Over twenty years’ experience handling complex commercial and intellectual property based transactions and dispute resolution
- Advises clients’ senior management to avoid risks, win disputes, and defend and enforce patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets
- Protects, transfers, and monetizes IP assets by writing and negotiating agreements on behalf of technology, manufacturing, and other clients
- Leads Ballard Spahr’s Minneapolis office’s intellectual property department and is a member of the firm’s Technology Committee
- Frequent lecturer on intellectual property issues
- Recognized by Best Lawyers in America and as a Super Lawyer
- J.D. degree, with high distinction, College of Law, University of Nebraska
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 612-371-3524

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