Understand the basics behind one-dimensional computational hydraulics in order to set up and apply HEC-RAS.
Many aspects of site development, road construction, or other civil projects ultimately involve the computational modeling of the flow of water. The Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is a widely used, accepted, and versatile open-channel hydraulics computational modeling software. It is universally approved by federal, state, and local agencies for a wide range of computational hydraulics applications. The steady one-dimensional approach is often used in applying HEC-RAS. You will learn the basics of steady one-dimensional computational hydraulics, including specifics utilized by the HEC-RAS software. It is essential to understand this basic theory of steady one-dimensional computational hydraulics, in order to successfully set up and apply HEC-RAS, and interpret results. You will also learn how to navigate the HEC-RAS user interface, including how GIS information is accessed. The material will tell how to build an HEC-RAS geometry using digital elevation data, how to specify steady flow discharges, how to assign boundary conditions, how to execute a steady flow simulation and view the results. The ability to successfully apply HEC-RAS to model open-channel hydraulics is a skill that continues to be in demand.

Gregory H. Nail, Ph.D., P.E.
University of Tennessee at Martin
- Professor, Engineering Department, The University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN
- Spoken at numerous professional development seminars and webinars, including over 40 such programs on HEC-RAS modeling
- Recently worked a summer faculty internship (2023) at the Savannah River National Laboratory (US Department of Energy)
- Recently published Wappapello Dam, Missouri, Overtopping Event of 2011, Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science, Volume 46, pp. 69-82, published online October 10, 2018
- Licensed professional engineer (civil and mechanical), state of Alabama (22518); civil engineering exam (April 24, 1998); mechanical engineering exam (October 30, 1998)
- Ph.D. degree, Texas A&M University, 1991 (mechanical engineering; fluid mechanics); M.S. degree, Texas A&M University, 1991 (mechanical engineering; fluid mechanics); B.M.E. degree, Auburn University, 1984
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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