Gain an understanding of internal controls for grant management including COSO framework and controls over compliance.
Effective grant compliance relies on having an in-depth understanding of the federal grant requirements, and the resources and personnel to meet them. This includes having the proper policies and procedures and strong internal controls. Without an understanding of what proper internal controls over compliance structure need to include, navigating through the governing regulations can be overwhelming. This webinar will discuss common challenges that organizations face in implementing effective internal controls and how to ensure that your grant compliance program addresses them. Topics to be covered include the COSO framework; internal controls over compliance; protected personally identifiable information control requirements, and examples of internal control. This material will also go over some grant management best practices. Learn how to identify policies and procedures that may need revisions, and understand changes needed for your organization's internal control over compliance structure.

Rebecca Field, CPA, CISA, CRISC
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
- Principal of the Grant Compliance Services at CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
- Sixteen years of public accounting experience and working exclusively with nonprofit, higher education, and government organizations
- Specializes in grant compliance, including policy and procedure development, as well as single audits, and has extensive knowledge of related regulations and requirements
- Serves as a firm-wide assurance resource where she oversees compliance with professional standards, provides technical assistance, and assists with training curriculum
- Bachelor of accounting and Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Management Information Systems degrees, University of Minnesota, Duluth
- Can be contacted at 612-397-3053 or [email protected]

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