Hurricanes and other natural disasters cause significant damage - understand insurance coverage options and insurance related disputes.
As we have been reminded during the 2017 hurricane season, natural disasters can and do cause significant damage ranging from loss of life and property damage to business interruption. In the aftermath of catastrophic natural disasters such as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, it is important to understand insurance coverage options and how to navigate potential insurance related disputes.
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey and the potential threat of Hurricane Irma, the 2017 hurricane season has already caused unprecedented damage and losses that continue to add up. Through this material, you will be provided with information that will help you to understand potential insurance coverage options, how to prepare and evaluate your claim, and how to anticipate and handle insurance related disputes.
Hurricane Harvey caused extensive damage and loss of life in southern Texas and Louisiana due to its destructive wind, rain, and storm surge, and Hurricane Irma similarly threatens to inflict catastrophic damage to Florida and the East Coast. Because the 2017 hurricane season has already resulted in unprecedented physical damage and interruption to businesses, insurance claims and losses are expected to eclipse prior catastrophes. Insurance losses sustained from these hurricanes has ranged from first party property damage to business income losses to supply chain interruptions with customers, suppliers, and vendors. Although it is too early to measure the true extent of damage caused by Hurricane Harvey and other storms this year, early estimates are that the historic storm caused tens of billions of dollars in insured first party and time element losses from business and contingent business interruption - and those figures are likely to rise.
This content will discuss potentially available insurance coverage for losses and damage caused during the 2017 hurricane season and will benefit anyone who has any business interests in the regions affected by the recent hurricanes, or is looking to understand insurance coverage for natural disasters more generally.

Kevin B. Dreher
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
- Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP, co-chair of Insurance Recovery Practice
- Litigator and trial lawyer focusing on insurance recovery on behalf of policyholders, complex commercial litigation, and dispute-related counseling
- Has represented policyholders and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in a wide range of insurance coverage disputes, including long-tail environmental, toxic tort, and asbestos claims under general liability policies; claims for media liability and PAIL coverage; losses stemming from natural and man-made disasters and COVID-19 under first-party and business interruption insurance; securities and fiduciary duty claims triggering D&O liability coverage and professional liability insurance; and losses under ocean cargo marine and storage policies
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 312-214-8308

Caroline M. Upton
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
- Of counsel in the Insurance Recovery Group in Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s Chicago Office
- Represents corporate policyholders at all stages of the insurance recovery process, from insurance counseling to coverage disputes and litigation
- Assists clients in a wide range of insurance coverage areas, including general liability and business risks, cargo and marine claims, first-party property and business interruption rise, product liability, Bermuda Form claims, and more
- Experience handling coverage disputes with major U.S., London, and Bermuda market insurers, and in jurisdictions across the United States
- J.D. degree, University of Illinois College of Law; B.A. degree, Allegheny College
- Can be contacted at 312-214-8830 or [email protected]

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