Learn to identify and prioritize the factors that inform your decision about what benefits to offer your employees.
A challenge that all employers face is what type and level of benefits to offer their workforce. The challenge is not inconsequential. Employee benefits are a significant piece of labor costs. Many employees want better or more benefits, but not every employee has the same wish list and with changes. This program should help you identify and prioritize the factors that inform your decision about what benefits to offer your employees. The wants and needs of a changing workforce may also influence what your package of employee benefits looks like.

Ira L. Blank
The Enterprise Law Group, LLC
- Managing member of The Enterprise Law Group, LLC, a business law and litigation boutique
- Helps business owners and business leaders develop employee benefits strategy
- Applies his unique background in strategic and operational HR; labor relations; employment, labor, and employee benefits litigation; and mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, to help business owners and business leaders confront and resolve their employee benefits challenges
- For over 15 years, served as vice president – human resources and human resources counsel for a company with 1,000+ employees, developing the HR services, including the employee benefits offering, and representing the company in all employment litigation
- J.D. degree, Washington University; Master of Industrial and Labor Relations degree, Cornell University; B.S. in Commerce and Business Administration degree, University of Alabama
- Can be contacted at 314-282-8735 or [email protected]

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