Increase understanding of staff concerns to improve communication between various departments.
The great resignation wave. Employees leave managers. Leadership doesn't get it. These are some common phrases that are hot topics in today's employee engagement conversation.
People are re-evaluating their careers through the lens of whether their company cares about them, supports their work and their life, and if their managers are their champions or in their own way. Hopefully, you already have recurring one-on-one meetings with your managers, and they have check-ins with their direct reports.
But how often are you connecting with the people two or more levels below you? In this presentation, you'll learn how to implement skip-level conversations and the value they can bring to your organization.

Karen D. Weeks
Shine at Work
- Founder, CEO & Principal Certified Career Development Coach at Shine at Work Coaching
- HR Leader working in multiple industries and companies
- Specific focus on career development, rolling out HR programs and training committed to growing team members, leadership development, and improving company culture
- Leads the HR function for an award-winning, best-places-to-work, companies
- Received Crain’s Notable Women in Talent Award and the Top Human Resources Professional Award

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